
Social Listening: Falling In Reverse

 For this assignment I chose one of my current music obsessions, Falling In Reverse. Ronnie Radke has made quite the name for himself in the alternative music scene, getting hate from many people. Known for his rock star attitude, previous heroin addiction, and "asshole lyrics", there is a lot to be said about Falling In Reverse. Looking into the value proposition of the band, most of the lyrics surround Ronnie's personal experiences from incarceration, issues with his mother, and the corruption of Las Vegas, but mainly the things he's been through. The band's music is a form of coping for past addicts and a resource to relate to when going through recovery. From the surface, the music doesn't seem that deep, but that's the beauty of it, it's something you can enjoy while coping instead of listening to music that gets deep and literal, which frankly can be very depressing. @sammieewastaken on Instagram commented " T his is the most underwhelming t...

Marketing in the News

 With the rising popularity in the consumption of marijuana edibles, brands are searching for ways to make their product recognizable and stick out. A few brands have turned to make their products market like everyday snack foods such as Doritos or Oreos, but the usage of these recognizable packages arises a new risk, an accidental thc overdose in a child. Kids don't often know the difference between regular products and enhanced products for adults, they just see the package they know and love. These are the main issues addressed in the CBS News article written by Megan Cerullo on Thursday, July 7th. The two companies discussed in this article are, Dr.Smoke and North Caroline Hemp Exchange(NCHE), Dr.Smoke was responsible for the Doritos-like packaging and NCHE was responsible for the "Stoneos". Both of these companies' goals were to market their product in a way that would draw attention to these products and entice consumers to purchase based on recognizability. And...


 Hey there! I’m Rose, and I am a 19-year-old Practical Business Management major at LBCC, outside of school I spend my time as a “manager to be” at a small restaurant here in Albany, Oregon. I am enrolled in this summer marketing course currently because since I work full time while doing school online, I can’t take more than a few classes a term without risking the chance of neglecting either school or work responsibilities. As mentioned before, I am a business major, I discovered my passion for business and managing at one of my first jobs. The way a business functions intrigues me beyond belief, I am a firm believer in the concept of there’s always room for improvement, which ties in with the management perspective. Marketing is one of the most vital parts of a functioning business, the most interesting part of marketing is how easily it can enhance or hurt a business. It all depends on how you market and how much you market for your business, both of those can lead to drastic o...