Marketing in the News

 With the rising popularity in the consumption of marijuana edibles, brands are searching for ways to make their product recognizable and stick out. A few brands have turned to make their products market like everyday snack foods such as Doritos or Oreos, but the usage of these recognizable packages arises a new risk, an accidental thc overdose in a child. Kids don't often know the difference between regular products and enhanced products for adults, they just see the package they know and love. These are the main issues addressed in the CBS News article written by Megan Cerullo on Thursday, July 7th. The two companies discussed in this article are, Dr.Smoke and North Caroline Hemp Exchange(NCHE), Dr.Smoke was responsible for the Doritos-like packaging and NCHE was responsible for the "Stoneos". Both of these companies' goals were to market their product in a way that would draw attention to these products and entice consumers to purchase based on recognizability. And although this could be seen as a brilliant way to market, it arises a safety risk for children. Their packaging is too recognizable to children, who don't understand that these aren't their normal day-to-day snacks. This sort of marketing has led to an increase of thc overdoses in children, which by the pictures attached isn't a surprise, without reading you can recognize what brands these products are trying to mimic which is all that matters to a kid. This issue intrigued me because I can see where these companies were going with this marketing, but in the end, it's better safe than sorry, especially when it comes to familiar children's snacks. I would've instead thought of a different way to capture one's eye without disclosing exactly what's inside based on a picture like the products above,  they are adult products and they can be advertised with words or a flashy logo, not a picture that'll catch the eye of a child.  

Link to CBS News Article: Feds crack down on marketing weed edibles in kid-friendly packaging ( 

FDA Warning Letter to Dr.Smoke: Dr. Smoke, LLC aka Dr. S, LLC - 648825 - 06/29/2023 | FDA

FDA Warning Letter to North Carolina Hemp Exchange: North Carolina Hemp Exchange, LLC dba NC Hemp Shoppe - 649018 - 06/29/2023 | FDA 


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